November 7, 2013
November 7, 2013
Come join us on Nov. 18, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. to The Sosa Community Center at 1414 Wirt Rd.
across from Kroger for a short meeting and some good fun and food.
Ridgecrest Civic Club will be furnishing Sandwiches, Chips,Relish Tray, Pumpkin Pie, Drinks & Tea.
If you wish, please bring your favorite dish or dessert–always welcome. Please come and
bring a neighbor so we can get acquainted.
If you have any questions, please contact
Mary Thompson
Doris Hinson
Looking forward to seeing you!
Permanent link to this article: https://ridgecrestcc.org/2013/11/07/thanksgiving-celebration/
October 22, 2013
October 22, 2013
Landrum Middle School is planning a big event for Saturday, November 2 from 12:00 to 5:00 in the afternoon, the LANDRUM FALL FESTIVAL. The event will be held at the school grounds and includes many exciting features. Music for the event will be provided by three live bands. There will be a variety of booths including a Food Booth, an Art Booth and a Health Booth. For additional fun there will be games, a soccer tournament and a “Dia de los Muertos” Fun Run. In addition, Mr. Bautista, the Landrum Art Teacher, plans to have some of his students doing their beautiful chalk work in the area. Every age will find something exciting to do or see at this festival.
An important part of this special event is that the money raised through the games and activities will benefit The Landrum Lions Alumni Scholarship. More information about this event can be found at the website: http://lms.springbranchisd.com or on Facebook as LMSfest.
We hope to see you all there for this exciting event. The school’s address is 2200 Ridgecrest Dr, Houston TX 77055.

Landrum Middle School Festival Flyer
Permanent link to this article: https://ridgecrestcc.org/2013/10/22/landrum-fall-festival/
October 15, 2013
October 15, 2013
A wonderful Neighborhood Night Out was held on Tuesday October 1 sponsored by the Ridgecrest Civic Club. Well over sixty people of every age were in attendance.
A cool breeze kept the crowd comfortable as they enjoyed the hot dogs and buns furnished by the Club and many neighbors brought food as well. The evening was filled with delicious eating and pleasant visiting. Ms. Moore brought her face painting skills to the event as well which was a delight to everyone.
Our local police blocked off the street so that people could assemble safely. Enrique Duharte from the department brought a poster and posed for a picture with some of the group. The children found a number of games to play and had a wonderful time.
Permanent link to this article: https://ridgecrestcc.org/2013/10/15/national-night-out-2013/
September 25, 2013
September 25, 2013
On Monday, September 16, the Ridgecrest Civic Club hosted an Ice Cream Social at the SOSA Community Center. The social was well attended. We were privileged to have an excellent speaker, Mr. Eric Schmidt, who is the Director of the KIPP Courage program at Landrum Middle School.

After the program Mary Thompson did her usual excellent work of providing ice cream for all those in attendance. The treat was especially nice because, along with three flavors of ice cream, there were bananas, berries and sauces. As you can see it was enjoyed by all who attended.

The final activity was awarding the door prizes and this young lady was a proud winner.

Permanent link to this article: https://ridgecrestcc.org/2013/09/25/pics-from-our-ice-cream-social/
September 6, 2013
September 6, 2013
I hope you had a great summer! I’m looking forward to the Ice Cream Social next week and the cool weather that fall will bring!
UPDATE: Please download the revised newsletter below as the original date for National Night Out was incorrect. The correct date is October 1st, 2013
RCC September October 2013 Newsletter
Permanent link to this article: https://ridgecrestcc.org/2013/09/06/rcc-newsletter-september-october-2013/
July 15, 2013
July 15, 2013
Click here, RCC July August 2013 Newsletter, to download the latest RCC Newsletter
Permanent link to this article: https://ridgecrestcc.org/2013/07/15/rcc-newsleter-for-july-august-2013/
December 3, 2012
December 3, 2012
It’s at 7:00 p.m. on Tues. Dec.4, 2012 at the Sosa Community Center at 1414 Wirt. Ridgecrest Civic Club is furnishing the turkey, ham and drinks. Please bring your favorite dish like a veggie, salad,
deviled eggs, cassrole or dessert..
If you would like to donate a gift for our door prize drawing, we would appreciate it if you
could please bring it with you. It will be a fun night and hope to see some new faces. Come
and bring a neighbor.
If you you have any questions, contact Mary Thompson at 713-467-2147 or email at
Thanking you in advance for your attendance and participation.
Mary Thompson
Refreshment Chairman
Permanent link to this article: https://ridgecrestcc.org/2012/12/03/come-to-the-ridgecrest-civic-club-christmas-party/
November 13, 2012
November 13, 2012
Houston Police Northwest Division
Assist the Officer/NWPIP Annual Christmas Party/Fundraiser
December 8, 2012
“Support those Officers that are injured while protecting the public”
VFW Hall – 1560 Foley – (Campbell @ Long Point)
11am – 2pm lunch served
Bar-B-Que lunch with fixins!- $10.00 per plate
Live Band entertainment and giveaways!
Tickets on Sale – 8400 Long Point – HPD Storefront
For more info call: 832-394-0100
Click here to view the poster: ATO poster
Permanent link to this article: https://ridgecrestcc.org/2012/11/13/assist-the-officernwpip-annual-christmas-partyfundraiser/
November 1, 2012
November 1, 2012
We got work from Council that “Just to let you know that Schwartz Park improvements did pass Council today, and that we will be starting construction soon.” Exciting!
Permanent link to this article: https://ridgecrestcc.org/2012/11/01/just-a-quick-note-about-schwartz-park/
November 1, 2012
November 1, 2012
Hosted by local churches and organizations, scenes telling the Christmas story will be presented along the park’s trail. Shuttle bus service will be available at the Waltrip Funeral Home and the old Spring Branch high school. This event is free with light refreshments, camel rides and a petting zoo, and live people portraying the Christmas story.
Christmas in the Park
Sunday Dec. 16th
6pm to 8pm
1205 Campbell Rd. in the Spring Valley Village Park
Permanent link to this article: https://ridgecrestcc.org/2012/11/01/join-us-for-christmas-in-the-park/